Boytrapped: Defined as one girl sitting between or surrounded by more boys. AKA, the Staten Family.
Friday, January 28, 2011
A Tank At A Drive In?
Every Year the school has a "drive in movie" for the 2nd quarter AR party. They send home boxes and the kids get to make cars to sit in while watching a movie in the gym. This year Isaac really wanted a tank. He brought several boxes home from school (of course Dad threw 1 away on accident) and had a whole plan. Our week however has been NUTS and we didn't start on it until last night AFTER we got back from Classic. I told the Boys they didn't have a choice they were sharing and they could be happy about it! They're such great kids that I don't think it actually ever occurred to them to be upset! I think it turned out alright and I can't wait for them to get home and tell me all about it!
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