Saturday, December 31, 2011
We're Gonna Party Like It's.....2012?
Farewell 2011 :)
Farewell 2011! 2011 has been a great year for us and I honestly can't believe it's already over! My boys have grown up so much and we've seen so many mile stones. I thought that in this post I would list a few things that each of os have done this year.
Mike- This year Mike did a LOT of wood work. He made a GORGEOUS chess set. A big set of segmented bowls and goblets for a Catholic University in Washington. He was elected to the City Council. He was put into the Young Mens Presidency (2nd counselor and scout master). And most importantly to him....he did 2 century rides (not with me) and a metric century ride (with me....I could do 65 miles but 100 scared me)
Me- I started my 10th year of a row....:) I did a lot as the Legislative VP on the PTA board. I still get to play with the Cub scouts a little bit as the Committe Chair. I lost 40 pounds and spent a lot of time on my bike with Mike. And I folded a lot of socks:)
Tyler- In 2011 Tyler finished up Elementary school and started Jr. High. He was elected as a class officer, which he's LOVED, made the NAL (National Academic League) team, still played a LOT of soccer and added Basketball to the mix. He finished up his Eagle project (paper work is all he has left now) and was called as the Deacons Quorum President. Most of all he has stayed the sweet kind helpful kid that he's always been:)
One of the funniest things for me has been to watch the girls swoon over Ty....I think that in addition to how cute he is :) they can also see what a great, nice, GOOD person he is. Now if we can just keep them away for a few more years!
Matt- This year Matt started playing Comp soccer. He decided to try out for the Ogden Outlaws and he has LOVED it. He has great coaches and they always go on and on about how AMAZING Matt is they tell me all the time that He "has more heart than anyone We've EVER coached!" I love it. He also started 5th grade. 5th! UGH! He's growing up so fast. Anyway, when the school year started we found out that last year he got 100% on the math core test last year! How does one get to be so smart in 4th grade?!? Wow.
Isaac- This year one of the big things to happen in Isaac's life is his baptism. I don't know if I've ever seen a child more ready to make a decidion like that. Isaac has an understanding of things that are WAY beyond his years. Isaac finished up 1st grade and started 2nd and he has loved this school year. He loves to read and is obsessed with the Enchanted Chronicles series and the Secrets of Droon series. This winter Isaac played one session of indoor soccer with Crossfire and is now playing the second session with the Outlaws. I think he's going to be an Outlaw.....if I had to guess:) Isaac is such a great kid and It's been another great year with him! I adore him and those big blue eyes!
Lucas- This has been a year of first's for Lucas too. He finished up Preschool and started Kindergarten. He LOVES school and holy cow you should hear him read! He has the best teacher ever and OH I couldn't be happier! Lucas started playing AYSO soccer this year. He's an awesome little player....just ask him:) He also had fun playing baseball and taking swimming lessons. The kid picks up everything he tries! Right now his love of Lego's has exploded and he's a great little designer. I love that I still get 1/2 a day with him......until next school year when he'll be gone ALL DAY! UGH! I sure love my Lucas.
Nick- This year Nick has gone from baby to little boy. He started preschool and I was a little nervous that he would be too small and too young but he's proven me wrong and he's LOVING preschool. He loves to learn. And I LOVE my time with him. I think that I'm more patient with my 3 year old....knowing that he's my last one and that this won't last long....It really helped with the potty training:) I decided to just chill out about it and Poof! He did it and I wasn't frustrated! .Anyway back to Nick:) Nick adores his big brothers and could spend 24/7 with them. Nick loves any of the Llama Llama books and any of the Stinky Face books, Little Einsteins and The Backyardigans. I love my little man.
Mike- This year Mike did a LOT of wood work. He made a GORGEOUS chess set. A big set of segmented bowls and goblets for a Catholic University in Washington. He was elected to the City Council. He was put into the Young Mens Presidency (2nd counselor and scout master). And most importantly to him....he did 2 century rides (not with me) and a metric century ride (with me....I could do 65 miles but 100 scared me)
Me- I started my 10th year of a row....:) I did a lot as the Legislative VP on the PTA board. I still get to play with the Cub scouts a little bit as the Committe Chair. I lost 40 pounds and spent a lot of time on my bike with Mike. And I folded a lot of socks:)
Tyler- In 2011 Tyler finished up Elementary school and started Jr. High. He was elected as a class officer, which he's LOVED, made the NAL (National Academic League) team, still played a LOT of soccer and added Basketball to the mix. He finished up his Eagle project (paper work is all he has left now) and was called as the Deacons Quorum President. Most of all he has stayed the sweet kind helpful kid that he's always been:)
One of the funniest things for me has been to watch the girls swoon over Ty....I think that in addition to how cute he is :) they can also see what a great, nice, GOOD person he is. Now if we can just keep them away for a few more years!
Matt- This year Matt started playing Comp soccer. He decided to try out for the Ogden Outlaws and he has LOVED it. He has great coaches and they always go on and on about how AMAZING Matt is they tell me all the time that He "has more heart than anyone We've EVER coached!" I love it. He also started 5th grade. 5th! UGH! He's growing up so fast. Anyway, when the school year started we found out that last year he got 100% on the math core test last year! How does one get to be so smart in 4th grade?!? Wow.
Isaac- This year one of the big things to happen in Isaac's life is his baptism. I don't know if I've ever seen a child more ready to make a decidion like that. Isaac has an understanding of things that are WAY beyond his years. Isaac finished up 1st grade and started 2nd and he has loved this school year. He loves to read and is obsessed with the Enchanted Chronicles series and the Secrets of Droon series. This winter Isaac played one session of indoor soccer with Crossfire and is now playing the second session with the Outlaws. I think he's going to be an Outlaw.....if I had to guess:) Isaac is such a great kid and It's been another great year with him! I adore him and those big blue eyes!
Lucas- This has been a year of first's for Lucas too. He finished up Preschool and started Kindergarten. He LOVES school and holy cow you should hear him read! He has the best teacher ever and OH I couldn't be happier! Lucas started playing AYSO soccer this year. He's an awesome little player....just ask him:) He also had fun playing baseball and taking swimming lessons. The kid picks up everything he tries! Right now his love of Lego's has exploded and he's a great little designer. I love that I still get 1/2 a day with him......until next school year when he'll be gone ALL DAY! UGH! I sure love my Lucas.
Nick- This year Nick has gone from baby to little boy. He started preschool and I was a little nervous that he would be too small and too young but he's proven me wrong and he's LOVING preschool. He loves to learn. And I LOVE my time with him. I think that I'm more patient with my 3 year old....knowing that he's my last one and that this won't last long....It really helped with the potty training:) I decided to just chill out about it and Poof! He did it and I wasn't frustrated! .Anyway back to Nick:) Nick adores his big brothers and could spend 24/7 with them. Nick loves any of the Llama Llama books and any of the Stinky Face books, Little Einsteins and The Backyardigans. I love my little man.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Spaghetti and Hotdogs?
Well, Pintrest is a crazy new website. It's full of all kinds of nutty things BUT one of my favorite things I found this week was spaghetti and hotdogs. It was awesome. I know that the boys would LOVE it. SO as I was running Matt to soccer I had Tyler help the others cut up the hot dogs and poke spaghetti noodles through them. Then Ty cooked them:) It was a great dinner for the kids to make and I though it tasted alright too!

Sunday, December 25, 2011
We were lucky because the boys all slept until about 6:30! Nick had a hard time waking up at first.....but it didn't take long before they were ALL bouncing up and down with excitement! We always start with a prayer and then they can open their stockings. They were all excited by the candy, their I tunes gift cards, cute hats and other little odds and ends.
After church we relaxed and the kids played with their loot until we headed down to Mom and Don's for dinner and more fun! This is the first Christmas in A LONG TIME that Jon's been with us so that was great...even better than the presents:) which since everyone LOVED what they got says a lot! I think Mike was the most thrilled with this RED bike tires.
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