I love Christmas and this was another AMAZING wonderful day! My sweet & wonderful boys slept until 6am (which still amazes me) and then all piled into my bed. Then they all came out and knelt down by their stockings. The little ones were just copying the big ones, who knew they were waiting for our Christmas Morning family prayer, but it was still a great Mom moment. After a great prayer by Mike everyone started in on their stockings. The big hits were the year pass to TOADS fun zone, lotion and chap-stick......there was other stuff, but those made the top 3 list :)

Then it was into the living room to see what damage had been done. The boys of course were so excited to see the pile of presents. They're so funny. We went in youngest to oldest opening order and had a blast. Everyone was thrilled when it was all said and done! Tyler LOVED his Nerf machine gun and Rip stick. Matt LOVED his "Age of Empires" game, Heely's and Rip Stick. Isaac was very disappointed with every gift he opened UNTIL he opened his Wii game. THEN he loved EVERYTHING! Silly boy. Lucas was SO excited to open his "Cup Pong". He even hugged it. LOL. He also really liked his race track and Ahsoka toy. Nick just liked opening things. Eventually he realized that he could play with the things that he was opening hehehehehe. He loved his "bingo" track. Yeah for some reason he still thinks that a car is a "bingo". He also LOVED his playdoh toys. Mike got a new leather brief case and something so he could make a custom router table (yes I bought it but I still have no idea what it is). He also got a bunch of clothes and socks. Lucky guy Santa was so good to him :) I however got the best present. Mike got my Blog books. I have been wanting them for a while now, but didn't want to spend the money on them. Yes I cried. I'm not a crier, but this one made me cry. We started our Blog when Nick was born and in the NICU, and those pictures and stories about did me in. I got other stuff too (new phones, cute clothes, a cute CTR ring stuff like that) but the books were everything I could have hoped for.

As in years past the boys all made their gifts for each other. This is one of my all time favorite parts of Christmas. They are always so much more excited about what they made than about what they want! SO, this year Lucas and I made fleece BYU hats. Matt made fleece BYU scarfs. Isaac and Mike made yo-yo's. Tyler and Mike made cool multiple shot rubber band rifles. They all are so stinkin cute!

After presents we had yummy sweet rolls for breakfast and then just.........enjoyed the day! I took a nap, the boys played, Mike read. Nick was running a fever but thankfully Ibuprofen is a miracle drug! He was happy most of the time anyway.

We went to dinner at Mom and Don's. I got an amazing FHE board from the Ovesons. I was so excited! I've been wanting one ever since Mary made hers. It's so CUTE!!! I was so excited to give David and Sinda their snowmen. I LOVED the little fedora that I found for the boy snowman! We also got a family history binder from Mom and Don. It's full of histories and pictures for the Ridd/Davis families. Ty got a helicopter model, Matt a game, Isaac a remote control spider (ick), Lucas a helicopter, and Nick a Bullseye and Woody toy. Then we packed up and headed home. THankfully the kids were out by the time we got home......it made it so that we could sleep for a minute before Nick woke up again all raging hot. UGH. Oh well. At least he is a cute sick kiddo!

This is the gorgeous ornament that Mike made for my Mom for Christmas......isn't he awesome?

Now I have to mention that while we weren't with the Staten clan ON Christmas (the whole St. George-Riverdale distance is a little too big:) the boys LOVED their Nerf shields and daggers that they received from them. Mike LOVES his new work bench that his Dad made for him for Christmas and I still get to go and spend my Christmas present!
I love Christmas and I love spending time with my wonderful kids and hubby. I love the traditions that we've established. I don't have a lot of traditions left from my childhood or with my siblings, but thankfully I have a hubby and kids that LOVE traditions!