Monday, February 9, 2009

Rice Cereal!

Well, Nicholas Stephen Staten will be 5 months old of Friday(!!) and the time for Rice Cereal has come! As I've had more kids I have realized that the "time to start" is different with each kid. We tried it with Tyler as soon as he turned 4 months old....not so successful! But Nick had gotten to the point where he was grabbing the dishes on the table, grabbing our cups, and wanting to nurse 24-7. So Saturday Morning (February 7th) we broke out the cereal! He LOVED IT! He's so cute!


The Cantwell Clan said...

He IS so cute! yummy cereal!

Jolene said...

The best thing about when your kids start on rice cereal is the possibility for a longer nights sleep!

Clerie said...

yea for rice cereal! It's fun to watch them when they first start getting some solids! Can't believe how big he is already getting! I feel cheated to have missed out on getting to know him as a baby! There won't be much baby left by the time I make it home to meet him. Congrats guys on another winner!