Ok so Face Book is crazy. I can waste so much time! But one of the really fun things has been the pictures. David posted some pic's from 2 years ago and I went crazy! It was so much fun to see my boys all cute and little! So then I started looking through old pic's and I found some old ones of myself, Mary, Jon, David and Stephen. It got me thinking about my childhood. I love my life. I love my growing up years. I know that there were some not so fun things, but there was SO much good. I loved hiking Memorial Hill 10 times a day. And riding my bike to Neilson's store to buy penny candy or those wax tubes with flavored punch in them. Swimming in the irrigation ditches. Playing in Leurtchers Back yard on the giant swing. Polishing the entry floor and how once it was slippery Dad pushing us accross the floor on towels. Spinning around and around in circles in the livingroom and then laying down and watching the ceiling spin. Our playhouse. Sleeping single in a double bed. Staying up late talking to Mary and then playing all sorts of games while we were suposed to be sleeping. And scheming of ways to get a horse or to somehow split our room.
I LOVED growing up in Midway!!!!!
And so this is my first day of "Gratitude posts". (Mary Tagged everyone to try to find something every day for 2 weeks that they were grateful for. I am very grateful for my siblings and parents and my growing up years)

Mary and Jon


1 comment:
What a perfect gratitude post! It's fun to read all those memories, and realize that I am grateful for all those great times as well! I'm going to have to save it so I can remember them all myself! Thanks for taking me on that trip down memory lane!
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