Saturday, October 20, 2012

2 Wheels!!

 I can't believe it but Nick's riding on 2 wheels!  I got a call from Mike while I was in Park City telling me that Nick was riding on 2 wheels!  The cute kid decided that he didn't like being the only brother with training wheels:) so he had Mike teach him to ride without them!  WAY TO GO NICK!


Mike's Woodwork By Design said...

I kept trying to let him off the hook whenhe would fall or get frustrated, but he wasn't having any of that! He was determined to keep trying till he could ride to Eli's house, around the block. And he did it too. -proud dad moment :) although a little sad too since he's my last to teach to ride.

Mike's Woodwork By Design said...

I kept trying to let him off the hook whenhe would fall or get frustrated, but he wasn't having any of that! He was determined to keep trying till he could ride to Eli's house, around the block. And he did it too. -proud dad moment :) although a little sad too since he's my last to teach to ride.