I love General Conference. I look forward to it, plan for it, love it. This time around we had so many soccer games that we missed Saturday, which makes me sad. BUT it's DVR'd and we're working through a talk a day as a family. Even though we missed the general sessions on Saturday, Tyler and Mike did go to Priesthood, and since we had been in American Fork for soccer, they went with My Grandpa, Don, David, Glade Darwin and Bonnie's son (who's name is escaping me....sorry). Ty had a blast. He LOVED all of the talks and once again took awesome notes! Afterwords we all went to dinner (while Matt babysat the kiddo's at mom's). Ty sat across from Grandpa and Beverly and had fun talking with Grandpa. Afterwords Ty said to me with tears in his eyes "I'm so glad we went with them. You just don't know how much longer we will have with Grandpa. That makes me sad" I love my sweet Tyler and I love that he realizes how special little moments like this are.
Sunday was a PERFECT day. I LOVED each and every talk. It just felt like everyone was talking right to me. One talk that I loved and just still stands out to me was Elder Johnson's talk. One of my favorite quotes from his talk was: "Trials are not just to test us. They are vitally important to the process of putting on the divine nature." It hit me hard. Our trials help MAKE us what we are!
I love sitting here with my family, listening for our "words" and talking about what we're learning. My kids never cease to amaze me:)
Can't wait for October!
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