Ty had fun. It took a few runs before he felt comfortable but he had a lot of fun!
Matt got frustrated because it was easier for Ty (Ty has more weight to help control his bike). Then he got upset when he crashed and got pretty hurt. But in true Matt form he got back up and kept doing it until he felt like he had it down:)
Isaac was very cautious. Of course he also had to go first..... He crashed and totally skinned up his elbow. He did it again (no quitters here), and he got to where he did it pretty well.....but it stressed me out because it would have been so much easier if he'd just ridden faster! It cracks me up how CAUTIOUS he always is:)
Lucas is an insane dare devil. He always is just on the verge of disaster and LOVES every second of it! Silly boy.
Nick wasn't to be left behind:) He started out with Mikes help but before long he was doing it all on his own. This one isn't ever going to be left behind!
Oh and Mike of course had fun too:)
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