Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Everyone has their own definition of a hero.  Probably even several.  But in Ogden this week we all have been reminded of what Hero's our law enforcement officers are.  Our Weber Co. Strategic Strike Force was serving a warrant and the man opened fire.  He killed one officer and injured several others and ripped a hole into the hearts of thousands of us.  My boys and I spent quite a bit of time talking about how thankful we were that there were men and women out there that were willing to put their lives in danger....and often times actually give their keep us all safe.  I've cried a lot of tears this week. I've thought a lot about the family of the fallen officer and the families of the injured officers and the families of ALL officers everywhere.  Those families are also hero's.  Well, today was the funeral for the fallen officer.  The citizens of the Ogden area really wanted to show their love and respect so it was decided that people could line the funeral procession route.  I wanted to take my kids.  I felt that we should be there.  Jamie decided that she also wanted to go so as usual we went together:)  The older boys wanted to go but were stressed about missing school so we just took our younger 6.  Jamie brought poster board and markers and while we waited the kids made posters.  It was a long wait but it's something none of us will ever forget.  The tears I saw on my boys faces are tears I'll never forget.  Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, to all of you wonderful Officers out there who so selflessly give your lives. 


 Tonight Mike and I were watching the news and they were showing pictures from the day and we saw Lucas!  Jamie found the picture of him and one of Sophia so that I could save it:) I sure love my kids!

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