Saturday, March 20, 2010


I just realized that I never blogged about Matt's Basketball Championship game last week! They had gone all season without a loss and were pretty excited! They won their first game handily, but the second game was killer! They were so tired (we were missing 2 kids so no one got much of a chance to rest) They played SO hard! 2 kids fouled out so then we were playing 4 kids to their 5! We were winning right up to the last couple of minutes when the other team went up by 1. 1!!!!! We ended up passing the ball in, with 2 seconds left, just under our basket. Matt passed it in to Mitchell who shot hit the rim, bounced around and.....didn't go in. We lost by 1!!! Matt and Mitchell were in tears because it had been up to them and they had been fighting for the win SO HARD! I was so proud of Matt. He played so hard and had such a great time! It was also fun to coach with Mike. I really enjoyed it. Thanks Mom, Don and Oveson clan for coming to support Matt!


mary said...

He did so good! Yea Matt!

Paul said...

I love the pics! Way to go Matt! Heard he followed the coach's directions really well. I want to come see a game!