For Christmas this year we gave the boys tickets to Walking With The Dinosaurs. (The Malan's and Neff's gave their kids tickets too.)
So Wednesday was our day......and the boys were all so excited! Lucas had talked about it for days. He LOVES T-REX. I was a little (lot) stressed about taking the baby, but there wasn't really anyway around that so I said a prayed and went for it. We decided to go to Rumbi Grill for dinner. It was yummy as usual and the kids actually ate really well. I

Corlin sat and physically shook on my lap nearly the entire first half! Then when the "daddy" dino came and rescued the "kid dino" he was fine for the rest of the show! LOL. It was a great show!
I bet that was a blast! I really thought about taking mine but decided next time would be better since I wouldn't be so prego.
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