Sunday, March 25, 2012

Some Preschool fun!

This month we've had A LOT of fun at preschool.  We went to Jamba Juice for a field trip (the mom's that were brave tried the wheat grass...not me!), we went to the dentist, and Nick had a blast learning about his body.  He had his body traced onto butcher paper and then he got to color it.  All on his own he added blood vessels, muscles and bones.  He was SO proud!  We hung it on the wall for quite a while but finally I had to take his picture with it so I could get my wall back! Then we had a great Easter Party at the park.  Such great mom's and such great kids!  Oh I love doing preschool with my sweet Nick!

1 comment:

Mike's Woodwork By Design said...

My favorite is the picture of Ariana's face - I couldn't figure out what she was so upset about at a preschool field trip, till I reread the part about the wheat grass.

Ariana, it's OK - I promise! Don't cry!

Wish I could have been there!