Saturday, October 8, 2011

Baptism Day!!

Today was Isaac's BAPTISM DAY!!! He's been so excited! The last few months it's been a daily count down to today! Our day started with soccer games:) and a frantic last minute food prep. Then it was set up (thanks Jamie and all of the Voigt's!) and making sure everything was ready! It was so fun to be ready enough to sit back and relax and watch Isaac enjoy this moment. I'm thankful that we got to share this day with so many people that we love. We were lucky enough to have a lot of family and friends there to share the day with us.

The program was wonderful and Mike did a great job on the baptism and confirmation. I'm so glad that my kids have such a great DAD. The blessing that he gave Isaac was wonderful. One of the things that I remember the MOST from his blessing was when Mike told him to always continue to share his testimony. That his strong testimony would help so may other people feel the love of their Savior. I sure am amazed by my Isaac.

The lunch was fun and it was nice to hang out with my family and friends. It's just so nice. I just wish that my sd card hadn't been corrupted! I LOST all of my pictures from baptism day! Thankfully Don emailed me all of his so we have some:)

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