Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Nativity

Last night we had our annual Preschool Nativity program. The kids were amazing as usual, and it was a wonderful evening. Isaac was Joseph this year and he did such a good job! He took it VERY seriously. And my cute little Lucas had to follow Isaac around through the whole thing! He reminds me so much of Matt at that age. When we did this with Tyler's group Matt followed Tyler around! I love being a part of a Mothers co-op. I work with THE best mom's, and I love that we are involved with our kids education! I sure love being a Mom!!

I think that there might have been more cameras than Preschoolers!

Check out the cute little head sticking up behind the manger! Cute little Lucas!

Inn Keepers, Angels, Wisemen and Shepherds

Can you believe that we got that many preschoolers to sit and sing?!?

Rylan and Isaac aka Mary and Joseph

They are so beautiful!
14 of the most beautiful children on earth all singing and signing "Silent Night". I had to fight the tears!


Mike's Woodwork By Design said...

Cool stable! I hear you can order them at http://homedecor.mikeswoodwork.net/. That's awesome! Everybody should get one of those for their front yards for the holiday season - helps take the focus off of buying things, money, all that stuff :D:D

Sharilyn said...

LOL, Mike!

Those pics are GREAT! I missed the shot of Grace doing her "part." You'll definitely have to get me a copy of that.