Halloween was great this year! Mom and her friend Don came up for the day and Mary and the boys came over too. We had our traditional English Muffin Jack-o-Lantern sandwiches and apple juice and dry ice witches brew for lunch and the kids went crazy! That many little boys can be a loud, but the nice thing about our boys is that all it takes to calm them down is a bucket of Legos! Of course Don spend a large part of his day spinning the boys around and around by their ankles! I'm kinda shocked that the food and candy stayed in the boys (and Don!) Anyway Mary and the boys and Mom and Don left around 5 and then came the Trick-or-Treating! The boys were so excited and Isaac was pretty proud that he scared little kids as he walked around the nieghborhood! Tyler was Leven Thumps, Matt was a Jedi, Isaac was of course was Darth Maul, Lucas was Darth Vader, Nicholas was a Ghost and Mike was Olivander the wand maker! I love Halloween!

1 comment:
Yeah! It sounds like both of our halloween's were great!! Nice pics!
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