Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rolling in the MUD

The other day Emily called me to see if I was interested in taking a spot on her Dirty Dash team.....I was but I was terrified!  I don't run.....but she assured me that she wasn't planning to run the whole thing and that I'd be I said yes!  It was the 10K distance and I was terrified but OH SO EXCITED!  Mike and the boys decided to come up and support us and I'm so glad they did!  It's not often that as a mom of boys I hear "Mom that was SO cool! You rock!" They thought watching their mom roll in the mud was cool....their mom thought it was cool too!

I was a disaster when it was over....I had mud in places that shouldn't ever have mud.....but thankfully I had brought wash clothes full of soap and a jug full of hot water, so after I washed off in the freezing cold showers I was able to finish rinsing at the car. Then I changed and we hurried back home for soccer games!

I can't wait to do this again next year!  I hope Mike and the boys will do it with me too!!

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