We went to the Washington Terrace Fire Station and they were wonderful with the kids. Lucas however remembered going last year with Mike and Isaac, and he was sacred. The "Darth Vader" Fire Fighter was all he could talk about. But we had a wonderful lady showing us around and when it came time to show the kids her equipment she brought it all into the room and let the kids watch her put it on. Lucas was totally fine! SUCH a smart lady! The kids always look forward to spraying the fire hose. This year however we had some silly little boys who decided that they really wanted to get wet, so I think that the new favorite thing is now GETTING sprayed by the fire hose instead of spraying it!
The next week we went to the South Ogden Police Station. The officer who showed us around was great with the kids. You could tell that he had little ones of his own! He put the kids in a holding cell and had them "walk the line" that they have painted in the holding area! When we told the kids that we were going to see the place when they kept the "bad guys" they all got a little jittery. They thought we were going to put them in with bad guys! As we were getting ready to leave we set the kids up with the officer for a group picture and he offered to hold Nick for it. After the picture I went to get Nick from him and Nick refused to come to me. He shook his head and snuggled into the officer! It was hilarious!
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